SolutionBased Partners with Rescuing Families Inc to help the Arcillas Family

1 min read
by Israel Gamburd |

Rescuing Families to the rescue.  In the heart of Elmont, NY, the Arcillas family, consisting of Joel and Carina, dedicated parents to Kelly, Kiana, and Kiara, faced an unexpected and life-altering challenge that would reshape their lives forever.

Returning from a family vacation in September 2019, their vibrant 16-year-old daughter Kelly fell critically ill. What seemed like a regular illness unfolded into autoimmune encephalitis, where the immune system mistakenly attacks the brain, leading to inflammation.

For almost three months, Kelly battled the condition, emerging from a coma with profound disabilities. The once-active teenager was now paralyzed from the waist down, lost most of her vision, and became dependent on a ventilator and gastronomy tube for essential needs.

Autoimmune encephalitis had cast a shadow on the Arcillas family's life, leading to extended hospital stays and nursing facility care for Kelly. Bringing Kelly back home required substantial modifications to accommodate her wheelchair and ongoing medical needs.

SolutionBased, committed to enhancing the lives of individuals facing mobility challenges, joined hands with Rescuing Families Inc. to donate a Showerbuddy SB3T as part of the renovation project for the Arcillas family.

The planned renovations include making the bathroom wheelchair accessible, widening doorways, constructing a deck and ramp for seamless exterior access, installing a French door and new windows for easier egress, updating flooring, and creating an outdoor space for the family's shared enjoyment.

In collaboration with Rescuing Families Inc., SolutionBased aims to turn Kelly's dream of being home for the holidays into a reality. The community's support and a robust volunteer force will play a pivotal role in making this heartfelt wish come true, offering a ray of hope to the Arcillas family during the festive season.

Empathy, collaboration, and community support are the cornerstones of SolutionBased's mission, and the partnership with Rescuing Families Inc. exemplifies the positive impact that can be achieved when hearts and hands come together for a noble cause.