Bathroom Mobility Solutions: When It's Time for a Change

2 min read
by Israel Gamburd |

Many individuals encounter a challenging phase in life, transitioning from independent mobility to requiring assistance, especially in the realm of bathroom mobility solutions. Identifying the need for assistance can be tricky, as we often adapt to pain or limitations until it becomes impractical. It's crucial to engage in open discussions with healthcare professionals to assess the situation and determine if additional support, including bathroom mobility solutions, is necessary.

While we're not experts in general personal health and mobility, at SolutionBased, we specialize in bathroom mobility solutions. With users worldwide facing diverse conditions, injuries, ages, and needs, our products have become a trusted choice for various situations.

In this article, we'll highlight seven common indicators prompting people to explore bathroom mobility assistive equipment. If you have mobility concerns, seeking advice from your local healthcare provider is strongly recommended.

Unstable During Bathing

If maintaining stability in the bathtub or shower becomes challenging, risking slips and falls, it's crucial to address the issue. Consider options like a shower stool or other assistive devices for added safety.

Difficulty Entering and Exiting the Shower

The process of entering and exiting the shower should be precise and without fear of trips or slips. If this becomes challenging, it may indicate a decline in overall bathroom safety, prompting the need for assistive technology.

Caregiver Struggles

If a caregiver encounters difficulties providing manual assistance, it might be time to consider equipment that can facilitate transfers and reduce the strain on the caregiver and the individual with mobility impairments.

Bathroom Design Challenges

Some bathrooms may present challenges in terms of slippery floors or tricky angles, impacting mobility. Solutions like Showerbuddy and ShowerGlyde offer non-invasive equipment that works with most baths and showers, enhancing safety without the need for extensive remodeling.

Need for Body Support

Individuals seeking support for their back, neck, or legs may find that their bathroom also requires assessment. The right assistive equipment, determined in consultation with a healthcare professional, can address these specific needs.

Desire for Longer, Enjoyable Showers


If you desire longer and more comfortable showers, a shower chair can offer the needed support, allowing you to extend your shower time without worrying about fatigue or instability. Our Refine shower stools are excellent options, not only providing functionality but also boasting a decorative design that doesn't have a medical appearance, offering both comfort and aesthetic appeal.

Proactive Approach to Aging

Acquiring a shower chair before significant mobility loss occurs is a proactive way to seamlessly transition from solo showering to assisted living. Seeking guidance from occupational therapists ensures personalized plans and equipment recommendations based on individual preferences.

In conclusion, there's no need to tough it out when it comes to mobility and the bathroom. Embracing assistive technology ensures a relaxing and enjoyable shower experience, promoting independence and safety. If you have any concerns about your mobility, don't hesitate to reach out to healthcare professionals for personalized advice and support.